Friday, June 26, 2009

"You have a quiet and unobtrusive nature"

True, cookie, true.
I'm quiet and I observe, I hold my distance and reflect before saying or doing something. Although I can be outgoing towards the people that surround me -everyone loves a party now and then-. But most of the time I'm just observing and listening. And I think sometimes you can get to know a person better by just listening to them, sometimes you don't even need words at all. A blink of an eye does say it all in some situations.

Also, when being in the surroundings of a great person I just shut my mouth completely. Words of wisdom are all I want to hear then.

I have the same thing with music. Don't get me wrong, I love to sing it out. But when you really want to get the music, the artist, the melody, it's better to just listen. You can't get it if you don't. And when you got it, then you should sing it out loud for the whole world to hear. Chant as loud as you can. That's with everything really.

Today a great person has gone home. I couldn't help it, but tears just popped into my eyes before I really got what was going on. He achieved great things, but unfortunately suffered a great deal too. I hope he found peace in his last moments, and hope that his soul can live on in peace now. I have listened to the words he sang. And I'll try to convince everyone who did the same to sing it out loud, paying a tribute to the King of Pop.

Vai com Deus


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