Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Your co-workers take pleasure in your great sense of creativity"

It might not be clear yet but what I want to do with this blog is the following: I'll open up a virtual fortune cookie as often as I can and I'll write about the prophecy, words of wisdom or quotes in my own way, with my own vision. Consider them as the trainingwheels on my tricycle. I do solemnly swear not to cheat till the cookie fits me. That's a promise. Although I don't know how I would react to a message like "You have one day left". Auwtsch. That's just harsh. But I'd write about it anyway.

First cookie: "Your co-workers take pleasure in your great sense of creativity"

Damn. That's a tough nut to crack.
As I mentioned in my intro, I study journalism. Do you have to be creative to be a journalist? Yes and no. If you want to write for a newspaper, all you have to do is follow the instructions as you were taught to: put the news in front and mention who, what, where, when and why. I think you're more of a rational person when you choose to do newspaperjournalism (is that a word?).
Not that there's anything wrong with that, the world needs its newspapers. It's just not for me. About two months ago I chose to do magazinejournalism (another weird word that's probably not mentioned in Webster's). Because I really don't like working under enormous -daily- pressure, because I'd like to write about other subjects than just the news and because, yes, I want to be a bit creative in my writing.

Now am I creative then? I don't know. Isn't everybody? Everbody has his talents, his way to solve things -even algebra equations-, a different way of thinking, writing, acting that seems surprising to another person. You know, that "Why didn't I come up with that?"-thing.
I studied at an artschool and therefore drew, painted, designed, sew, stressed and enjoyed my 'ahum' off. And I've seen a bunch of incredibly creative people. Even so, I did not pursue a career as a fashion designer, or painter, or sculpture.

I think my talent lies in the pen, and not even that really, but in my mind. And the journalismpen might not even be the right instrument for me, but it's what I work with for now. Nevertheless, most of the time I just have troubles spitting it out and sharing it. That mind of mine. Maybe out of fear. Maybe because there are very few people in my surroundings who have a similar mind. So in a way this blog is an amazing gift to me. I get to share my thinking and get to receive other's thoughts.

About the co-workers: it's June, which means we've been through mountains of agony together and now that the exams are finally done we get to relax and be chillie willie until the day we get our results. As we move to another building next year, we also leave our class behind and move along to be divided into new boxes being the radio-, magazine-, television- or newspaperpeople.
I'm grateful for every experience I had this past year at college and for the people who I have gotten to know. I can only hope you "took pleasure in my great sense of being myself".

Saluting you with a great sense of nostalgia -already-


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