Thursday, October 1, 2009

"It's a new day"

The first thing I think about when the month October knocks on our earth's door is my birthday. Not for presents, or parties or even celebration. I try to celebrate me being here every day.
My birthday to me, is a time of standing still and reflecting on who I am . Your birthdaymonth defines a huge part of your personality without you even controlling it in the first place. Astrology, exactly.
In 19 days, I'm turning 20. From then on I'll have number 2 in my age for the next ten years at least. Bye bye teen years. Officially.

The past month has been incredibly intense, and some things haven't been properly digested yet. See: no blog entries.
One thing I want to hold on to though, is this: do what you feel you want or need to do. Things won't ever fall into place entirely if you don't. And why wouldn't you anyway? Don't set yourself boundaries that aren't real. Anything is possible. So sing, dance, go bungee jumping, visit Machu Picchu, climb Mount Everest if you want to. Live.

I'll be trying to share a lot more on this blog. More fun stuff, stories I find are incredible, things that cross my mind.
Music. Art. Fashion. Design. Trends. Projects. Green.
I'll be trying to evoke awareness about everything that surrounds us, aswell as things that don't cross our worried minds. Occassional fortune cookie messages will still hit this blog though.

With that being said, I'm off to a concert by a local band called Kartasan. They bring you a Jazzy, Indie sound from Belgian bottom. Check them out on their Myspace page here.



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