Thursday, November 19, 2009

Co² is Square

While watching the news yesterday a fact came up that shocked me.
Global CO2 emissions from oil, (stone) coal and other fossil fuels have increased by 29% this decade. Which is almost 30%. Which is way too much!
From 2000 to 2007, the global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels rose annually by about 3.6%. That is three times more than in the 90's, when the annual increase was still 1%. Most of these emissions are due to man.
We're punching Mother Nature in the face, turning our backs and saying "I'm sorry" doesn't even cross our minds.
We need to act. And fast.

Let me copy/paste something from an article from the New York Times' Green Inc. Blog: "Governments, negotiators and campaigners now say the Barcelona talks – and the Copenhagen summit that follows – will not make, or break, global climate policy. (...)Yvo de Boer, the U.N.’s climate chief, said it would be “physically impossible” to conclude a deal this year."
Let me be bold. If we keep accepting these increases and not conclude a deal and make a change soon, it'll be "physically impossible" to do anything but sit back and watch humanity fade away. I'm talking wipe-out.

Pitch in people. You may think this subject is boring, and you may not be interested in our earth's health. Let me tell you. We're just dots. Little dots in this enormous galaxy. I often hear friends saying the following phrase when they're having a bad day: "Life's a bitch." Yes, your life is insignificant. But I always reply: "It's what you make of it."
Let me be clear. Without this planet, there is no life. Not even a bitchy one.

I don't want to scare, annoy or anger anyone with this. But wake up. And do something.

Here's a little list of things you can do yourself:

- Stop eating red meat (you have no idea how much a cow contributes to CO2 emissions).
- Stop buying plastic bottles and bottles of water. Heat it up, filter it and put it in an eco-friendly, reusable water bottle. Get a Kleen Kanteen one, an Aquasana glass one or a blue glass one with a message.
- Now that I think about it, get your things in a shop. Save money on shipping costs and reduce carbon dioxide emissions (you have no idea how much transportation contributes to CO2 emissions). And if you can, go to the shop by bike or on foot. That's how I do everything.
- Save up money and get solar panels.
- Use low energy light bulbs.
- Back to the roots, the way they do it in Brazil because water is scarce and expensive: harvest your rainwater.

On Carbon Footprint, you can calculate your own carbon footprint and learn how to reduce emissions and save costs.

Whatever you do... Act.

Have a healthy, conscious and aware day.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Life lesson

It's all about one fourletterword:

