Sunday, August 16, 2009

"All the world may not love a lover, but they'll be watching him"


Replace lover by ink and it makes sence. Hu?

Cause I finally got past the being a chicken-fase and gave birth to my first tattoo yesterday!

The contractions were complicated - read: being a busy-scheduled tattoocologist, Jean from Harai Tattoo forgot to write down my appointment, but made up for it by taking me in yesterday, which here in Belgium was a holiday, so kudos for that. The discount was a sweet cherry on top of the inky icecream aswell.

The labor lasted for half an hour, it's a quick little sexless rascal, and giving birth to it wasn't painfull at all thanks to the Holy Emla, which is the abbreviation of 'Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetic'. Yeah, I'm not a die hard.. So sue me.

It has all its fingers and toes and although the world may not love the ink, they'll be watching it, because...

I am grateful for the day I was put into this world. It defined a part of my personality and the path that I'm taking.

Let's talk horoscopes: October 20th makes me a Libra, which gives me the characteristics of being a lover of beauty & harmony, in all aspects of life and an impartial judge, always looking for balance in everything, trying to resolve any differences by compromise. The Libran can also be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, which to me, makes me weigh off everything, always looking for the greater good. Let me quote the Serenity Prayer here:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

In Chinese horoscope, I'm a snake. Earth Snake to be precise, because I was born in 1989. This contains the following:

"Possessing tremendous wisdom, they are deep, quiet thinkers, calm by nature, but most intense. Being citizens of the world, they often get involved in great causes, bigger than life, and often serve as mentors to the young. To paraphrase Confucius, they have a kind of inner beauty that arises, hovers, then comes to nest."

Known snake people include Mahatma & Indira Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Grace Kelly, Jacqueline Kennedy, Edgar Allen Poe and Bob Dylan. And as I just found out... Jason Mraz...

This all isn't coming out of my mouth, I'm quoting Tuvy, a website that provides resources such as Asian literature, recipes and horoscopes. I can only take peace in believing this is all true. And hope I can live up to the toes of great men as Ghandi, Lincoln and M.L. King.

This tattoo isn't just an ink blot engraved in my skin for life. It's my way to celebrate my life on earth and show gratitude towards the universe, my parents and the gift they have created for me. Therefore, I thank you.

Always yours
